I just noticed it's been 2 weeks since I posted. I get involved in reading a few favorite blogs, do any research I need done and my time is up for being on the computer. If I don't set a time limit, I can sit here all day!
This Lenten season has been more of a struggle than the past. In the next three months my husband is retiring from being active duty Marine Corps, his youngest daughter is graduating high school (hopefully-that's an additional stressor), we are moving to Ohio so my husband can go to college, and we (hopefully-God willing) are buying our first home. Each of these has a considerable amount of paperwork, dates and deadlines to meet. The most important things we have learned so far are:
With God all things are possible.
I don't have control over anything or anyone (no matter how much I try )
One way or another we will get there.
We are focusing even more on our marriage and the relationship we have, trying daily to keep connected.
Pray for God's guidance and widsom in any decisions we make.
Above all, accept God's Peace...He has it all under control. All the worry and concern in the world will just be water over the bridge when this season has passed.
Making God a part of our day first thing in the morning and last thing before bed has been grounding for us both. And I know, all things are in His time, not Dee's time. I just wish He would help us sell my car today .
God's peace.