Thursday, July 26, 2007
Market Day!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Martha or Mary

Friday, July 20, 2007
Fresh Flowers!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Living Simply
This is such an awesome thing. I believe, and live it, that we should recycle as much as possible or give it to someone that can really use it. This group is just the place for some of the things I have stacked in the basement as part of our downsizing and learning to live more simply. A ceiling fan, some bar stool chairs, pictures, and a few odds and ends are going to be posted soon. What I don't post I plan on donated to the local resuce mission. How exciting to donate things that I don't use and know this will be a treasure to someone else. That is worth all the work to get the stuff there.
God's peace.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Just for you
Friday, July 06, 2007
Boxes Boxes everywhere
The moving truck (no all of our stuff did not fill it only 1/2), and the helpers car. My husband is making another run inside to direct boxes.
The "hired" help. She checked off the number as they came off the truck.
She worked so hard we had to take a break, LOL.
These are the beautful Adirondak chairs that my talented husband and neighbor made for our porch. The front is embossed with the Marine Corps emblem.
Oooh, our first snag. They sure didn't make these kitchens to fit today's appliances. That's ok, it seems I might get custom cabinets out of this deal. It's not a top priority on my dear husband's list, but that's ok with me. Downsize Dee, Keep It Simple. Or as Ghandi says "Live simply so that others may simply live."
This was the next day, but I got such a kick out of the way she was inching down the stairs. It took her several minutes, step by step, but she did it. She has been such a great help.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Independence Day 2007
God's peace.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Our new home
The happy couple & first time home buyers...long distance
Monday, July 02, 2007
Moving Day
Our family at 4:30 am on the day we drove out. Okay, check out Danielle on the left and take note. I'm a morning person.
Danielle and I drove the truck, Chris drove the U-Haul towing Danielle's '71 VW...for the whole drive this was our view.
Molly in the back is not liking this car trip. She says PLEEEAAASEE let me out of this vehicle.
Koda driving the U-haul...kidding. Chris went inside so Koda decided to dream.
Okay, here ya go. 20 hours later, yes you read that correctly, 20 hours later and several stops that were a 6 ring circus we made it. Okay remember the note I told you to take earlier, check out Danielle now. Who's the night owl in the family? Not me!
God's peace.