Though we live very close to the college, Danielle chose to live on campus. We supported the idea and she wanted to be amoungst others to share her faith and the journey. I wish I had more pic's but the crazyness of getting unloaded and up to her dorm room...with 500 other students and parents and u-hauls....and RV's, well you get the idea. I also don't have any pics of Chris getting his Orientation papers for Non-Trad students (non-traditional). I am grateful God has already developed a whole community for non-trad students and they are very active in supporting each other. They have all experienced some sort of calling, whether literally like we had (see
God's story), or a longing in their heart placed by the Holy Spirit. It's awesome to hear all the stories and see how God works in His own way to call each person when they are ready. You know the saying "When the student is ready the Teacher will come." Praise God!
Danielle and her dad carrying some of her stuff in. Can't tell she's excited can you?

Check out the grin! She's so cute.
Off they go to register and take stuff up stairs.
The proud owner of the key to her first home away from home. I must say after this pic she rolled her eyes at me and said "Okay mom that's enough pic's!!" I already miss her and it's only been 14 hrs.
The college gave out a paper to parents for "parent survival" with web sites and recommended books. It was cute, my loving hubby saw the periodic tears well in my eyes through the day so when he saw this paper he grabbed one and handed it to me with a loving hug, yep that caused some actual tears to flow.
I wish them both God's peace and Wisdom on their journey. Classes start Tues. please pray for them, hmm better ask for prayers for me too.