Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Without a camera!
As my life journey continues on I have learned:
* I love to be a housewife, but I need to do things that "fill" me too.
*Cleaning is important but not "all that". There are more things to life then a "routine" of daily cleaning, maintenance, and planning.
*When I focus on C or anyone else to much I lose myself. Currently I feel invisible so I am working to change that by doing things that make my heart sing: Photography class, drawing class and attending a Winter Weave basket weaving 3day workshop near Cleveland in February, volunteering at our church's thrift shop.
*Turning 40 in two weeks can bring two choices...1) Whoa! I am starting a new chapter in my life! with Oh my gosh! Where has the years gone...what am I going to do with the rest of my life? OR 2) Yikes I'm turning 40! How did THAT happen!
It is fitting that the Lord has brought me to this point in my life now. With the Incarnation of Christ and meditating on His coming, I have been standing back and looking at me, my life and where I am with Him in my journey.
My current meditations: Perfect Love casts out ALL fear. This leaves me to ask Him what is this Perfect Love? How can I get it to sink from the head to the heart? He is working on me, slowly, in a way only I will know. But for today, He asks me to be quite and come to spend time with Him so He can tell me how much He loves me. {smile}
I wish you a Merry Christmas and may God's peace be upon you~
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
It's about God
~God's peace...
Obama won the presidency. Many people may think, "Oh great! This country is going to hell in a handbasket" or how "this person can devastate our country."
But wait! This is perfect grounds for the Lord to work miracles and we can praise & glorify Him.
We must draw near. We must pray, fast and give of ourselves. Sacrifice. For the Lord must know we belong to Him, not to a person. God made Barack Obama. God can do anything. I have hope and believe in God, as my guide, as my protector, as my creator.
I see this as a beautiful opportunity to give praise & glory to God for miracles He can do. For we will know they are from Him - all the more to praise Him.
We needed this! For our faith's sake.
Acts of kindness
the soft spot in your heart. When in the early hours of the morning there is a chill in the house and Sasha is dancing by your feet, you carefully pick her up to hold her close so she can get warm. It moves me inside to see a man act so lovingly to one of God's little creatures.
I smile when...
you carefully hold our little 3 lb dog when she is having a seizure. With love and compassion for her you are right matter what you are doing. :-)
Monday, November 03, 2008
It's official
I have struggled with this in many ways, which I won't go into here. In prayer over and over the Lord has told me "let her go, this is what she needs right now. I know her, I know what she needs and I am watching over her." This has given me a peace inside that I can't explain. The same message was given to me for several days.
Of course, Chris is excited. He was in his prime at the MEP's station in Cleveland. Visiting with the other's who are active duty Marine's. While we were there I got to witness something amazing! The Lord taking this opportunity to work through my husband and minister to someone else that was active duty. They had a very deep, touching converstation about the Lord. Who knows why? Only God. But I do know it was an experience for both parties involved, and I was blessed to be able to watch it.
He is so awesome, He never ceases to work through us if we are willing.
God's peace to you,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Season's first snowfall
As I write this, the rain and drizzle this morning has turned into our first season's snowfall. Ah! Already! I'm excited, but surprised at the early arrival.
It is so beautiful, it makes the cold a bit more tolerable. Maybe that's part of God's plan, :-)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
A trip to the Zoo!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Being grateful
God's peace be with you,
Mrs. Peterson
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Annual Family Pumpkin Patch visit
Chris waiting for us and watching little one's play in the hay.
Danielle and me, a treasured time.
Isn't she silly.
Chris' pick for our family pumpkin.
We have had white pumpkins, green pumpkins (when we were stationed in Okinawa), little pumpkins and bumpy pumpkins...but never a tall one. We shall see what he creates this year.
God's peace be with you...and Happy Fall!
Family Reunion
The first moments after we all flew in.
My neice Lauren and I. We are the only 2 in all my Dad's kids and their kids that look alike. Wild huh?! She has a twin sister that looks like the Love family, I take more of the Gasaway family (yep we have deep roots in Iowa ya'll).
God's peace,
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
A humble scene
I had this opportunity last night. During a wind storm last night we had winds here that were about 70mph. The power went out about 5:30 ish, and didn't come back on until this morning at 10:30. While Chris was finishing his homework I noticed our fence had come apart from the wind, and was being pulled farther apart. We went out so Chris could repair the fence, THANK YOU Chris!!, and heard a huge snap. A tree down the street fell on our neighbors home.
Chris went down to see if he could help, and came back with one of the tenants who is a friend, and the 2 little dogs that lived in the home. She was in shock. Deanna had been in her bedroom upstairs when the tree went through the roof.
This was an opportunity the Lord gave us to serve, so we took the dogs for her while she contacted the owners and other friends to stay with them. I made some tea and Chris went down to ensure no one was still around or in the home. It was very humbling.
After a bit, she and the owners went to a friends to stay the night. I was ever so thankful for our home, for God's mercy and protection, and for a husband who cares. I was grateful for the security of our home during the wind storm though my fears and anxieties rose each time I heard trees cracking.
My loving husband came to the rescue. He got our hurricane lamp from the back porch and we got snacks and a warm blanket to sit on the front porch. It was such a comfort to be together and to pray together for our blessings.
My heart goes out to that family, but their pain and disaster has been a very humbling experience for both of us.
Never forget what you have and always be grateful, for the Lord gives and the Lord takes away.
God's peace,
Mrs. Dee
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Being a pilgrim
It has changed the way I look at my life and I see my self on a day to day journey, foot path if you will, of events that I have a choice in. Each choice will present the opportunity to allow God to speak to me about His will or I can hurry and do my will.
The Lord is not in the chaos!
As I go through the day and invite Him into each decision or event, I am making the choice to stay on that path, to be the pilgrim I am, and walk through my life with His guidance so I can come home some day.
You are a pilgrim too! God is calling you, can you hear Him? Remember, the Lord is not in the chaos!
God's peace,
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Time off
I found myself daily "lost" in the world of blogging. Reading others, posting, changing mine because I like what someone else did (which took a lot of time as I have no clue about changing things.) then as I connected my shoulder and back muscle cramps to being on the computer I started to reasses why?
Why DO I blog? Well, I'm in a program that promotes honesty, so, Pride. I wanted to have a blog that was as nice as so and so, or up date daily like so and so, or have a purpose like her.
Then it dawned on me. I am not doing anything in my free time, what little there is, besides sitting here in front of a computer. Joy!
So, I stopped. I went through withdrawls almost. "oh, I wonder what she has posted today about?" "Ooo, I bet she has some inspirational insights about the Simple Life today, she is such a wise woman." The temptations lasted about a week or two. Then I got lost in gardening. I LOVE GARDENING much more then sitting in front of a computer.
I also love reading books that bring me closer to God. I love watching Chrisian based movies. And more recently, I am realizing the importance of actually studying the Steps of Al-Anon, rather then just reading about them. (My Dad is my qualifier ya'll!)
I get sucked into everyone else's life...except mine. Don't get me wrong, I found great consolation in other's writings. And miss them very much. I got my home in shape with pretty things, I have looked at the world I live in with a different perception..all because of friends in the blogging world.
So, why post now? I miss writing for a purpose. And am thinking about posting again. I always get sidetracked though. I'm a sinner, like us all, and I tend to listen to the lies of the devil and think Oh..I can just read this ONE today. Ha, 30 minutes later.
I'm contemplating just writing on my blog those things that are important to me and my family and emailing those who choose to communicate that way. Not getting into everyone else's blogs. That is tough.
We are pilgrims on a journey. A journey back to Our Father. Chunks of time on the computer will not get me closer to my Father. So I'm still contemplating.
God's peace be with you~
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Road trip
God's peace be with you~
Friday, February 22, 2008
Kitchen Blessings
I was in the midst of several baking projects and stood back in awe as I watched how the Lord was blessing me in my efforts. I had already made my Coconut macaroons, which were baking, and had homemade whole wheat bread rising for the second half, and was making dinner when I realized what was happening. Words can't even begin to discribe the feelings I had. It just confirmed for me that all things are possible with God, and that were there is true effort the Lord blesses. I am so grateful for His help.
If you look closely, the bread is rising under the green towel on the stove, the cookies are in the oven and I'm cutting the sweet potato for dinner. In front of me is my trusty homemade cookbook of all my favorite or collected recipes...held together with blue duct tape! No graceful way to hide that!
The first completed baked good: (No sugar) Coconut Macaroons! Made with a touch of honey, sliced almonds and lots of unsweetened coconut.
Homemade bread from scratch for C! He loves bread. This one was new for me. I used a recipe from the back of the King Arthur flour bag and it called for honey or molasses and powdered milk. C says it's very moist and tastey!
This was our supper. Seasoned roasted chicken breasts with cubed sweet potato's, steamed green beans with slivered almonds. Very tastey! I make all my seasonings, this one has cayanne, curry, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
All praise to Him, for all the food provided and the creation put it all together.
God's peace,
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sunday Brunch
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Home cooked Breakfast
Thursday, February 14, 2008
My Valentine
I baked him a homemade batch of chocolate chip cookies this morning (his favorite) and took some to his class at the college. (We are taking 1 class together so I see him.). You should have seen the look on his face. My husband was so moved by my loving gester. It was worth all the time I took to do it. That warm feeling I get in my tummy that says "I did it" I gave him something to show him how much I love him. In return while I was out grocery shopping My Valentine left me love notes all over the house:
C took an erasable marker and wrote on the glass and mirrors all around the house. To bad you can't see what this one says! {wink}
My Love note on my kitchen window.
Isn't he sweet!
And the best part was outside. He shuffled his feet around to make them. How cute!! I'm so in love.
Thank you Lord for my husband.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and God's peace.
Mrs. Dee Peterson
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Snow Day
You can see our littlest dog was trying to attack a snow covered ball. It was funny to watch her growl and jump at it, then spit it out and stick out her tongue due to the ice on it.
Monday, February 11, 2008
A stitch in time
This past weekend I was able to get to some much needed repairs on a quilt that I have. My grandmother made this many years ago (before I was around) and used bits and pieces of fabric from her clothing and my dad's clothing. What a treasure. Ever since I inherited a box that had her linens in it I have had this on my bed to use on those cold nights. Needless to say, here in Ohio those nights are often. This morning it was all of 7 degrees here!! Thanks be to God for my quilt.
I also find it comforting when I'm sick, or just want to rest with a cup of tea. The stitching required was much needed as some of the fabric is starting to wear thin. Some patches aren't the most professional, but it is holding it together nicely and I can get many more years of use out of it again.
As I sit and repair this quilt, I can't help but look at how wasteful I've been with some clothing for the kids and us. If we don't like it or it's worn out, how many have I just donated to tossed when the fabric could be used to make a memory such as this wonderful quilt my grandmother sewed with love. It has allowed me some time to ponder those items we dearly love and don't want to toss. What better use for them than to cut pieces of fabric and start collecting them for a quilt!
~God's peace be with you today,
Just a waitin'
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Old Blue
Saturday, February 02, 2008
The blessing of herbs
My loving husband steps up to help and plays nurse, all while exercising lots of patience as I tend to get short tempered when I'm sick. I love you C! Thank you for all your hard work today and nursing me back to health.
Part of this process is keeping all other family members from getting sick. That means my loving C has gotten his daily dose of Emergen-C, Echincea 2x/day and his multi vitamin. For me,oh the list.
Thursday I started with: extra Vit. C, GSE 2x, and my special "Kill a cold" drink (see below)
Friday: The same above, but I added Oscillo... yes it really does work. By the evening my headache and body aches where almost gone. I did add probiotics right before bed.
Today: GSE, Oscillo.., and my special drink. The headache and body aches are gone now, but the cough and runny nose just won't take a hike, so I am keeping up the the "special" drink.
Many of you have seen this on my blog before. Every winter I give this recipe out, and as a friends husband said "well this oughta' kill somethin', hopefully not me!" Ha! But he drank it and was better by the next day.
Here's my recipe:
A warm mug of water
1 FRESH garlic (don't use the powder stuff that won't do diddly) - known to kill viruses
A little less that an 1/8 tsp. Cayanne - known to increase blood flow and can help expell mucus
If desired honey to taste (roughly 1/2 - 1 tsp.).
Crush the garlic into the mug, add the sprinkle of Cayanne and a touch of honey then sip, DON'T CHEW the garlic! That's important, that will keep you from having strong garlic breath.
One of these a day, no more then 3 days in a row. Usually only one is needed, unless you have the flu.
And Voila:
A potent drink that has chased away many a cold in our house. Aside from a cough, I am doing much better, in only 2 days. God is amazing. Now if I'll just park it and enjoy the rest, rather then trying to jump in and help so much. Hmm..I hear the pillow on the couch calling me.
God's peace be with you~
Monday, January 28, 2008
Weekend events

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Birthday celebration
Monday, January 21, 2008
The woodoworker
~God's peace be with you