Thursday, December 31, 2009
My Garden this past season
Reviewing the past two seasons
In light of looking back through some of my pictures I have a handful of events over the past few months that I really would like to share. I hope you enjoy them and I will try to keep it brief (Me? brief? my husband would fall over laughing. But shhh, don't tell him I said I can be brief.)
Friday, December 25, 2009
For Unto Us a Child Is Born...
We have had a great day. We each have been blessed with gifts from family. Danielle's bo' must have been really good this year, he got 2 stockings!! (She helped Santa out with one of them). Christmas was really nice and dinner was way cool as my sister would say. We chose to have steaks for Christmas dinner. Something different yet something C and I really enjoy. Especially a good grass fed, slow cooked or seared steak. I was online looking up the right way to cook grass fed beef. I've learned DON'T cook it fast. You will end up with some of the toughest meat that would fatigue anyone's jaw muscles, trust me on this and don't ask why!
So I ran across a website that sells grass fed beef and they are gracious enough to have a chef on staff that posts articles and recipes for cooking grass fed beef. I found an article about cooking them in cast irons the way the pioneers used to. They didn't have refrigerators (?) to keep their beef cold, or lovely ovens to cook in or fancy grills. It was hot coals and a good iron! So this guy walks you through step by step and here's how it goes (trust me when I say keep a fire extinguisher near by, but trust in the technique. You won't be disappointed):
* Heat your oven and your cast iron (from here on out called "iron") on Hi broil for 15-20 min. Now I didn't do a typo and I haven't lost my mind. Oh wait, I'll hold that until the end.
* Now with welder's gloves pull your iron out and put it on the burner, that is already on high, for 3 minutes. Right before you put on the steaks put some oil in it that is NOT flameable, like coconut oil or we used bacon grease. Warning: do not use olive oil per chef.
*Now put on your steaks for 30 seconds each side. TIME IT!
*Take the whole iron & steak and put it back in the oven and broil for 3 min, each side. Believe me, it is worth the work.
*Pull it out and put it on the plate. The most important part that people don't do: DON'T cut it for 3-5 minutes. Let it rest so the juice stays in it.
I have never had a tastier, juicier, fantastic steak ever! Even all my years in Okinawa, and some of the best steakhouses. Never! Now I will say, my oven is a mess and the kitchen was smokey so we had to open up the windows, but will I do it again? You bet! Soon? No way!
We even made Danielle's bo' nervous, Ha! I'd say we did a good job. I think God was patient while C and I experimented. :-)
We have much to celebrate on this Christmas day! Things like a good steak that God gave us, family arrived safely, good health, a roof over our head and shoes on our feet. And windows (see post above).
I wish you a Merry Christmas and God's peace, mercy and loving forgiveness to be with you.
~ Dee
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009
Our "Japanese" style dinner in the hotel. Two pillows and a cooler :-) With Taco salad served!
My great-grandmother's house...very renovated. Did they have vinyl and side porches in the early 1900's?
The original water well pump.
Thanksgiving..cousins, friends, family.
My Uncle and guess who?
My Aunt & Uncle.
The back side of the Pearl Button Factory.
Inside the restaurant, what used to be the factory. Plastic took over from the real pearl buttons, hence the factory closed down.
A glimpse in history of the clams racked in to make buttons.
One of the machines to make the buttons. I was told that each person had their own button cutter.
A bazillion pearl buttons in a glass case.
Friday, November 20, 2009
And the rest of the pictures

Both trucks before inching (is that a word? it is today!) down the trail.

Working our way through the hill side.

Have a great weekend! We are getting ready for a road trip on Tuesday. God willing we will be back on Sunday. Our first "vacation" in years. No dogs, no kids. Kind of scary, kinda of exciting. Going to be paying respects, doing some ancestry research and some adventuring.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Off Road Crawling
Chris drove down first. No, he crawled slooowwlly down.
Our friend Drake and his daughter Madison. Crystal stayed home with their other girls, and she is 5 mths pregnant. Off roading is not condusive to pregnancy, she says "more power to ya!"
Drake working his way down. If you follow the road you will see our truck...wwaaaayy down there. Yep, that's the road I walked. So, Chris walk part way up to "visit" with to forestry guys cutting back some trees. They said "these were pretty nice vehicles to be out here. That they had seen a lot of things...oh look that woman is walking it. Never seen that before!" Ha! Now ya have!
All I can say is no we didn't drive it, but I had to take a picture. Click on it to read the sign.
We went through and then I hoped out to get this of Drake. I am hoping to get a copy of the picture Madison took of us. Let me just say, that water was so STINKY. And now it's all over our truck. YUCK!
Drake got airborne with one tire. He made it over just fine. Thank goodness for 4WD.
The last bits of fall colors here.
Chris and I by our beloved truck. This truck has been all over the states. We bought it 17 yrs ago and it even, by the grace of God and lots of Angels surrounding us, kept us out of a potential nasty accident in NM. We still can hardly believe we didn't hit anyone or anything. Only God can do that! And protects us while we traps around in God's country, how cool is that!
This is our friend Drake and his daughter Madison. She's a nature girl like me so it was neat to see her have a good time. During our lunch break she made a head piece out of various flowers and leaves. So creative!
How cool! With some wracked nerves here and there, and an occasional rock that tried to prevent us from going anywher (notice I said tried) we had a great time.