Monday, December 13, 2010
A blustery day
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Happy 235th Birthday Marines!
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Simple dinners
I am a simple person. I like simple things, and most of all simple meals. I actually think complicated meals can create more problems (and stress) than necessary.
I get rambunctious now and then, pulling out a recipe book to try some exotic recipe or plan for a fancy meal one night. Being that it's God's plan that actually happens, not Dee's, I run around at the last minute trying to cut corners or better yet trying to MAKE the meal happen. Frazzled, hurried, and hap-hazard the meal is 7:00pm.
Peace be with you!
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Out and about
Monday, November 01, 2010
I don't know much, but I do know, from my own experience, it sure seems like God knew what He was doing when He created the eb and flow of seasons and days. There is a reason we have the seasons. Our food is grown accordingly as well. It is so important to eat with the seasons and give into the needs of our body during changes. For me, that is the need for more rest and changing our meals to more warm and wholesome meals. And our days. Shorter days, longer nights. Morning, afternoon, evening. These all represent a time and a rythm. I am still working on a rythm for my home, but it's getting fine tuned as I go. Progress not perfection.
There are a few things changing that fits right into our seasonal changes. Here are a few:
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Today's pickin's
This is my typical Sunday morning breakfast, though this was extra special. Homegrown blueberries. YUM! They were tasty on top of my buckwheat waffle.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Grow garden, grow..
On the right I have two kinds of green beans growing: Lazy Housewife (what can I say) and a purple kind that turns green when cooked. The garlic is already pulled. Next to the green beans is peas...which are dying quickly because of the heat.
On the right is two kinds of heirloom tomatoes, carrots, onions, herbs: sage, oregano, basil, then some lettuce - 2 kinds which are about done, and sunflowers. Huge sunflowers.. they will grow to 7 ft and the heads will get 12 inches across. Just looking at the picture and what they are today they have already grown another foot. I had planned on potatoes in the space on the left, but my organic red potato didn't sprout. Oh well. Next time. Gardening is suppose to be fun, not stressful! If it's stressful, why are you doing it?
Here are my first fruits, early last week. I was eating the parsley while I was picking. Parsley is soo good for you, especially as a tea.
Other than my Serenity space above, I have been recouping from 2 weeks of bumps in the road...or journey. Literally. Two weeks ago I was in an accident. Someone ran a stop sign right here at the end of my street. God in His awesome power, protected me from serious injury. I saw him cross the white line at the stop sign and I pressed on the brakes, then thought"he has the stop sign" so I kept going. Slam!! my L front tire smushed in!! If I wouldn't have braked, that would have been my door!!
So, then 1 week later, I was hurrying (is that a word? today it is!) down the stairs to get the phone. In socks. On wood stairs. Yikes. Bump, bump, bump, bump. That's for the last 4 stairs I hit going down. My right, um, bum, took the brunt. I have a black line that looks like the stair tried to cut my muscle in half. I haven't been able to drive since last Thurs, the pressure to sit back sends me through the roof. My right arm got the next bit. Though the raspberry is healed the underlying bruise is slow to heal. I am grateful, even in this event. Sometimes it takes dramatic things for me to get the point. A) slow down...what are you in a hurry for Dee? I have a quote I've added to my signature on my email "Nature doesn't hurry, yet all things are accomplished" from a tea bag tag years ago. Today, I am living by that. and B) I think God wants me to spend some time just being. No car, and unable to drive...for now.
All things have a season. This is my season to contemplate on the awesomeness and mercy of God....and exactly how powerless I am!
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Re-Enactment Basket Weaver here!
Friday, June 18, 2010
What have I been up to?
Just about finished.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Vacation to AZ
Now he on the other hand got so close I started to have anxieties!! I think the AZ sun baked him to long.
He graduated!!
Monday, May 03, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Fastest trip in the west!
I'm nervous. I have missed the southwest so much and I have allowed the Lord to work on my heart and change my passionate desires to move back there. I am willing to live where He wants me, and right now He wants me in Ohio. That may change soon, but for now this is where we are. I have hope in the Lord that if that's where we will move to when C graduates in May, then so be it. If not, please Lord, keep my heart in Your loving hands. I want what you want.
On the lighter side, my husband as BIG plans to go skiing Sunday...God willing, with Kim, his oldest daughter. He hasn't skied in over 25 yrs, so pray for them. I feel like all will go well, but just in case I'm bringing my homepathic kit for bumps and bruises. :-) The Lord helps those who help themselves, right?
See you next week!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
From Dust you came

Monday, February 15, 2010
My sweet Valentine!
I helped a bit with the table cloth, but he did all the fixin's as we say in the south. It was so wonderful. No paper, no books, just us and a fire. :-)
My Valentine also wrote me a very sweet letter for my valentine card. I am not much for purchasing things, I like handmade. This was not only handmade, but handwritten. That's a keeper in my book!
For my morning prayers, I wished God a Happy Valentine's Day. He is the ultimate example of Love, for He loves you, and me, so much that He sent His Son to walk amongst us and die for us. For our sins. He deserves acknowlegement of the example He has given us.
Chris asked me to join him for World Marriage Day dinner at our church, which also happened to be Valentine's Day. It was great. Everyone in attendance got a blessing on their marriage. Then a lovely dinner and some witnesses about marriage...and how it's not all roses but it's worth it!
I hope your Valentine's day was grand.
Christ's Peace,
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Dropping my "Followers" widget
We are having another snow storm...5-9 inches expected by tomorrow. Where are we going to put all this snow!!
Have a great day!