I am so proud of him. After 20 something years of wanting and trying to finish his college degree, it finally happened! May 8, 2010 C graduated from Franciscan University. Whoot whoot!! We had a busy weekend with a mass celebrated by a CARDINAL (never seen a Cardinal before so that was pretty cool!) then the graduation ceremony on Saturday. The largest class the unversity has ever had, with 700 students.
So now what you ask? Well, after much prayer the past few months we feel it's not time to move. The Lord still has us here in for a while. C is going from part time work to full time, with the same company, and working out of the house. He has the desire to chip away at a Master's so he is enrolled in a class in the fall. There are some things in the works with some of the professors on campus. Not teaching, that needs a Doctorate (which requires knowledge of 4 languages including Latin and Greek. Yikes! That doesn't excite either of us :) But some other possibilites. We will see how the Lord unfold's things.
I decorated the front door and our dinning table with cute "Graduate" decorations, and even little sprinkles with graduate hats. Cute!! We went party hopping Saturday and out to dinner to a very nice restaurant. Then Sunday we did BBQ beef ribs, his favorites. Two days later we left for AZ for a vacation/family visit. That's for another post.
Here are a few pictures from the amazing event of a graduation ceremony of a non-traditional student who has worked at this even while active duty, when he could, and followed the Lord to a place we never knew of, only to be rewarded abundantly for his efforts.
The Friday night get together, C with a good friend.


Tee hee, he doesn't know I'm taking his picture!
Now he does! I think someone is excited!

C "walking" across the stage. What a moment!

Moving the tassle from right....

to left. Graduated!!

The hood with the school colors and a well deserved diploma.

:) I love my graduate!