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Does anyone else notice what's wrong here? Sorry it's backwards :-) |
Ok. Call me old fashioned....or Traditional, but isn't there something wrong with this picture above?
I got this in the mail yesterday from a company that I won't use their name because that's not the point. Look at each member of the family...during "family time".
What are these kids learning? How is the couple keeping communication alive and their relationship? How are the kids learning social and interpersonal skills? Are they learning to take care of the home? Are they learning how a daddy loves his daughters by spending time with them?
Are the girls growing closer together and learning to "be there" for each other later on in life?
All this is telling me is that each person has their own life (how lonely) and each person is not interested in what the other has to say, what their feelings are, what their interests are (besides electronics).
It seems very cold and unloving.
It's hard to go against the grain and not do what "everyone else is doing". I know...believe me on many levels I know! It's not easy. When I choose different I have to hold to what I value...not what someone else is telling me I need to value.
Think of the example you set by holding on to Traditional ways of socializing. Like picking up an actually phone to call a friend. The anticipation of waiting for a phone call. The patience of knowing you missed a call or are waiting for a call to be returned.
I have an older flip phone and have struggled many times over with whether to "update" my self and get a so called smart phone. I really don't think they are that "smart". I actually find more people frustrated that the phone or device does what it thinks you want it to as you are using it. You spend more time trying to "undo" what IT did. Sounds a bit like codependency to me.
We also don't have a cordless phone in the house. Yep! I have what I lovingly call a Piggy tail phone in the kitchen and in the back of the house. We don't have Wi-FI in the house, and yes we have cords that go to my computer and my husbands work computer.
I won't go into all MY ways of doing things different. I encourage all my family and friends to look at things in their life and how they may or may not be affected by the way "society expects" us to have or use certain things. Or Dress, but that's another post.
Jesus teaches that we are to be different. That others will know us by our Love. Will these kids above know how and when to act on this Love that is offered to them?
**Note - I am not saying that smartphones are bad. My husband has one and we have used it in circumstances that I was grateful for it. My point is having boundaries with devices or at least questioning motives behind using what ever it is. The family pictured above really is losing valuable connection time, and I don't mean electronic connection. Please, take what you like a leave the rest.