This Blue, trying to help with the table linen change I do on Mondays. |
Hello Ladies,
It has been a bit, but I am often thinking of things to write about. I lead such an ordinary life, I thought, until I share with folks what I do and they tell me I'm too old fashioned or that I am a modern Laura Ingalls. Ha, no. I'm not. I'm just me.
It has been a very busy last few months here with various medical necessities for family, and just getting older.
Recently I wondered if my little blog has a place with all the activity people do on YT, but I realized YES! Because not everyone wants to sit and get caught in the YT algorithm.
This past year, my one New Year's goal was to not purchase anything from Amazon. It lasted until September when I needed a braided rug to match the others and the company is now only selling that one on Amazon. Goofy!
Just last week I broke it again and ordered an air fryer. Since my husband and I are now trying to watch our diet I thought I'd try this. I hear it's the next best thing to sliced bread. Since we have very few stores within an hour's drive I turn to stores online. I just wish they offered the air fryer I wanted.
We managed to get new flooring this summer. I thought taking out 20 year old carpet and putting in laminate flooring would be wonderful. It's beautiful no doubt, but as you can see by the picture above, I have a kitten. Actually 2 kittens. They are both Ragdolls and the fluff that rolls on the floor, whew! I've invested in the Wooly Mop. Love it!
Tomorrow we are getting a water softener for the first time. Since we live out in the country our well water is so very hard. The water office says it's Extreme. After 10 yrs and so many clothes and towels just rotting I finally just had to do it. We are choosing the potassium type though so I can still water my little garden.
Speaking of gardening, I had a good garden this summer. My husband put up a wind break between our house and the shop building where my garden beds are. It worked! After all these years gardening in Colorado I finally was able to grow some things. Now my next quest is what to do to prevent aphids on my kale.
Due to the high winds we get, the high elevation and the dry air gardening is a challenge here. I've learned from a few seasoned gardeners here that each year can be different, so don't depend on what you learned last year. This summer was true for that tip. We had 30 degree nights all through June, and a chilly rainfall in late September gave us a dusting of snow on the mountain tops. A very short summer I'd say.
I hope you are all well. I am trying to learn how to upload photos from my camera so I can share a bit more of what I'm doing to manage our home in this season.
Blessings to you,