Praise God! It all went well. My hubby retired from the Marine Corps on May 24th. A few minor stressors early in the someone dropped the ball and didn't have all the chairs and tents set up when we drove up at 8:15 (ceremony was at 9am). I have never seen Marines scramble like that before. The Colonel came out of his office when hubby said "Am I here on the right day?" and chaos set in, but only for a short time. In 20 minutes the truck was there with the tents and chairs, 20 Marines had those tents up in 10 min, and all the chairs WITH name place labels on each chair was finished. We only started 15 minutes late, and it was all God because there is no way it could have been humanly possible to do all that needed done in that time. Yes I cried. But only when I saw him standing there alone after the passing of the flag and the poem that was read stated "Marine you have stood the watch all these years and protected us, Stand down Marine...We have the watch!" I was boo hooing like crazy. My father in law reached over and gave me a big hug. Well here are some pictures:

The last morning dressing in camies.
The chaotic moments after our arrival!
The cermony starts..
I got flowers and a certificate from the Corps thanking me for my support (it's part of the tradition during the retirement ceremony. Felt a bit odd, I've always seen it but never imagined receiving it.)

My spontaneous "speech" for my husbands retirement gift. I was so nervous I changed my outfit at the last minute just so I could wear my boots. I am most comfortable in my boots.

Chris grinning while I spoke.

My husband, standing alone, while the flag is passed from rank to rank of all the different ones he has held through the years. The poem of Old Glory was read during this part.

Yep, that's me with tears. I wanted to run out and stand next to him.

Chris receives the flag from the last rank he held.

Both Chris' daughters hugging during the last moments of the retirment ceremony.

He gives his last command and salute to the color guard to retire the colors.

The Peterson family.
1 comment:
Dee...This is SO cool! I had no idea they did something like that when you retire! My son-in-law was a Marine, then after his time was up, he joined the Marine Reserves. He was one of the 1st in Iraq when the war began. Thank God he came home safe. Tell your husband "thank you" from us.
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