It is so amazing that all those tiny individual flakes form one big snow pile. It reminds me of us, each of us. God created each of us, individually knitted in our mother's womb. And individually we would melt if we stood on our own, but together...WOW! Together we can move mountains and provide strength for each other. How much stronger are we when we band together with friends or family, whether in crisis or good times. The crisis seems to be eased and the good times seem to be better than if we stood alone, just like a single snow flake. God made us to band together and to bring Him glory. How I am grateful to be His daughter.
God's peace to you today~
e the first few times we get a big looks so beautiful and clean! Then...muck and mud and slush...oh my! We had a bit of snow last night and more to come over the weekend, so our tree-chopping on Saturday will be just as pretty as it can be. After Christmas can all just go away!
If I don't get back her soon, have a most blessed Christmas in your new home!
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