As I re-read some of the posts at High Desert Home on simplicity, I am inspired to par down and re-think what I have and what may be adding a burden to my day or life. Even without being conciously aware of it.
As the Lord would have it, I have been allowing time for creativity and it feels good. I finished my curtains for the kitchen, then I found myself desiring to par down my basket weaving area (where I did some of my sewing). A sat down and cleaned out 2 binders and stacks of "stuff" that was doing nothing but causing me to feel a bit of angst everytime I looked at it. I want peace, and from what God is showing me, Serenity is to be had if I am willing to change me. That means I need to let go of somethings, accept some things and have the Courage to Change the Things I can.
After all was said and done, I've parred down to one binder of patterns, a few books and one small binder with future ideas that I have dreamed of for years. Like owning a tea/craft shop where folks can come and chat over tea, or bring in their projects to work on in the back craft room. Just a dream but things like that are in the small folder. It FEELS more serene over there now. I am blessed to have taken the time to listen to the Lord and ask "what's the next right thing for me? Clean out your creative area!" Yeah! So my goal this week is to pick out my next basket weaving pattern. Small steps, 2 % changes as a dear friend has told me.
Today, I am seeking God's will for me and not getting caught up in what I need to do for someone else ~ to my detriment.
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