Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Fastest trip in the west!
I'm nervous. I have missed the southwest so much and I have allowed the Lord to work on my heart and change my passionate desires to move back there. I am willing to live where He wants me, and right now He wants me in Ohio. That may change soon, but for now this is where we are. I have hope in the Lord that if that's where we will move to when C graduates in May, then so be it. If not, please Lord, keep my heart in Your loving hands. I want what you want.
On the lighter side, my husband as BIG plans to go skiing Sunday...God willing, with Kim, his oldest daughter. He hasn't skied in over 25 yrs, so pray for them. I feel like all will go well, but just in case I'm bringing my homepathic kit for bumps and bruises. :-) The Lord helps those who help themselves, right?
See you next week!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
From Dust you came

Monday, February 15, 2010
My sweet Valentine!
I helped a bit with the table cloth, but he did all the fixin's as we say in the south. It was so wonderful. No paper, no books, just us and a fire. :-)
My Valentine also wrote me a very sweet letter for my valentine card. I am not much for purchasing things, I like handmade. This was not only handmade, but handwritten. That's a keeper in my book!
For my morning prayers, I wished God a Happy Valentine's Day. He is the ultimate example of Love, for He loves you, and me, so much that He sent His Son to walk amongst us and die for us. For our sins. He deserves acknowlegement of the example He has given us.
Chris asked me to join him for World Marriage Day dinner at our church, which also happened to be Valentine's Day. It was great. Everyone in attendance got a blessing on their marriage. Then a lovely dinner and some witnesses about marriage...and how it's not all roses but it's worth it!
I hope your Valentine's day was grand.
Christ's Peace,
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Dropping my "Followers" widget
We are having another snow storm...5-9 inches expected by tomorrow. Where are we going to put all this snow!!
Have a great day!
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Here's a few more pictures
Snow? Boy do we have snow!!
So here is a few shots I wanted to share. The brown colored pictures were taken last night about 10pm, the rest I took this morning.
Our back porch, right outside the kitchen door.
The front yard, um er, what yard?
My garden. This was taken from the underneath porch, out from our basement door.
And one of my garden, with the fence now down. The weight of the snow brought it down last night. :-( I know what I will be doing when this all melts.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
What we've been up to
A couple of the other pictures are random ones of the happenings in our home. God is so good to us. We have a warm home, happy dogs and a blessed marriage. I couldn't ask for more than to have a husband who is seeking the Truth in Christ. Thank you God for all you've given me.
It isn't as large in the picture as it was driving, but that is the moon last weekend. It was so beautiful. A reminder to me of how large the whole creation is.
Molly, our 9yo Boxer. She really likes the warmth of the fire. When she wants a fire going she just sits in front of it staring at it, wishing for a fire. My girl is getting older. Yesterday the vet said her tremors or shaking is possible senililty....aww, how sad. He said she sort of spaces out and forgets where she is and shakes. I didn't even know dogs can get that! Aside from that she is the healthiest 9yo Boxer he has seen in a long time!
The river was ICE! Hopefully you can click on this and see the water up close. It was so fascinating.