Last Sunday it was so beautiful out, Chris and I decided to take a drive in the country. We headed north towards Bergholz then hooked a right on a back road and sometime later met up with the highway we needed. Let me just say, hills and windy roads made the beautiful drive interesting. My husband took his time meandering and I got to snap some great pictures so I thought I'd share. We didn't get out of the truck since it was REALLY cold out, so most of the pictures are landscape. I had fun trying to get a good shot, he had fun making u-turns and driving slow while I tried to take the picture.
A couple of the other pictures are random ones of the happenings in our home. God is so good to us. We have a warm home, happy dogs and a blessed marriage. I couldn't ask for more than to have a husband who is seeking the Truth in Christ. Thank you God for all you've given me.
It isn't as large in the picture as it was driving, but that is the moon last weekend. It was so beautiful. A reminder to me of how large the whole creation is.
Molly, our 9yo Boxer. She really likes the warmth of the fire. When she wants a fire going she just sits in front of it staring at it, wishing for a fire. My girl is getting older. Yesterday the vet said her tremors or shaking is possible senililty....aww, how sad. He said she sort of spaces out and forgets where she is and shakes. I didn't even know dogs can get that! Aside from that she is the healthiest 9yo Boxer he has seen in a long time!

This was just too cute not to post. Koda, our white Boxer, and Sasha, she is all of 5 lbs, sleeping together in the sunshine. To cute!

Icey water falls from the side of the hills near Bergholz.

I took this because of the old barn. There is something about old barns, hmm, antiques in general, that I just find adoring. If they could talk! oh, what stories we would hear. This home was set back off the road. Someday C and I would like to have a small place that would give us the space away from the road. I hope to add chickens and goats to our gang soon, but not until we move.

The river was ICE! Hopefully you can click on this and see the water up close. It was so fascinating.

The view as we drove out of our town. Once you get behind the hills, or valley as the locals say, this is pretty much what you see. It is beautiful with all the snow. It's wonderful in spring and summer too, heck, throw in fall...the fall colors are beautiful as well. Hmm. Not like the desert I used to live in many years ago.

This was just too funny. The car wash has icycles all over it! We've heard from the local's ( I use that affectionately since we have lived here just over 2 yrs and I am learning how to live in this climate.) that we should take our car to a car wash everytime it stops snowing. This will wash off the salt from the roads and will allow our cars to last longer. I just had to take a picture of getting a car wash, in the winter, with ice hanging off of the device that goes around and under your car. The blower blows the water off as we drive out, sssllloooowwwllllyy. And any remaining water is frozen before we get out of the driveway. I've also learned to keep a lighter in my purse (I don't even smoke!) to heat my key so I don't get locked out of my car because of the snow or ice. It sure makes for an entertaining day. Unless you are in a hurry of course, then God is teaching me something I'm sure, I just need to step back and give it to him.
Hmm, enough rambling. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
1 comment:
How nice for you guys to be able to get out and enjoy the scenery! Beautiful photos, but I especially like the one of your dog in front of the cozy must that feel???
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