Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I haven't been on in a while, just too busy. We are getting ready to completely remodel our bathroom...pray for us that it all goes as God's plan. We started the process about 2 mths ago and we have been shopping, talking, and meeting with our contractor along with Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will be glad when it's mid- Feb and the project is done.
So here are some updates of what we've been doing for the past month or so:

Here is my collection from the fall walks I did each morning. I like to pick up something, usually just one a day, that stands out to me. My favorite? There are several (grin, that's why I pick them up!) but the one standing up in the back reminds me of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was a perfect heart and red. The other fav, a ginormous leaf that was yellow, orange and brown. How cool is that!

My better half cutting down our Christmas tree. We choose a certain day to go. Lo and behold the Lord had plans that day for freezing rain! and wind when you are on top of the hills. Well, the fire and hot cocoa back at the tree farm cabin was all the more sweeter...literally.
Isn't he cute!

This was a few days after Christmas. Trust me when I say we had a blast! We hadn't been sledding since the kids were little and we lived in CA. We had so much fun, even though there wasn't much snow. The first run (we rode together, hey if I'm going down so is he!) I screamed all the way down. The kids going down next to us just stopped and watched. Then when we got to the bottom, I was laughing so hard I couldn't get up!! Humility kicked in when I saw the older teen at the top shaking his head. C and I just looked at each other and laughed. What a glorious moment to praise God for a bit of snow, a neighbor's sled, and courage! Next time we both agree pillows are a must :-)
I will post pictures of the bathroom as it gets underway.
I hope you had a great Christmas. Don't let those who call it a Holiday get to you. God is much bigger than that and we know the truth in our hearts.
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