Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ash Wednesday

Happy Lent!

This time of year I hear so many talk about giving up coffee, or giving up chocolate.

Well, I read an interesting article last weekend.  It was harsh.  "Will giving up ___  help you right now to grow closer to Jesus Christ? " "Will it help you hear God's voice amidst the noise we are flooded with (including cell phone's dinging for attention)?"

Um. No.

Not for me.

So this Lent I am trying a different approach. I have heard many ideas and here are a few:

For Fasting: fasting from the internet - minus emails, fasting from seasonings on your food, choose foods you can eat but just don't care for, fast from You Tube, fast from checking your email more than once a day,  when you notice you are craving your "fast"- pray for those that don't know God or have turned from Him.

Prayer: sitting with Jesus in prayer for 30 min a day, reading reflections on the gift God gave us and His Love for us, Meditating on the Joys of Lent - ie Mary's yes - her obedience to God's will & how can you be more obedient to His will. Also Jesus' love for you, or there are 7 Penitential Psalms - you can do one a day or one on each Friday.

Almsgiving: clean out your closet and donate the items each week, empty your change each day into a jar and bring that to church or your favorite charity on Good Friday, give of your time to a widow or someone in your church or community who would love a smiling face and cup of tea.

I typically can't fast due to the health condition I manage, but I CAN fast from other things: seasonings on my food, my favorite tea, the internet searches, buying, buying books etc. I have done all of these in the past. I will say not having the internet and not buying where the 2 years that was the most profound for me.

The article mentioned above, spoke of that which keeps us "sucked in" or draws us to the point that we don't even know how we got there...again. THAT is what we should fast for Lent.

Give that to Jesus as a Thank You for His overwhelming Love for you, and see how He Loves you back by the end of Lent.

Peace be with you,
Mrs. Peterson

**update: This past week I had a gentle reminder from Scripture that when you fast or pray, do so in the quiet of your room...not out for everyone to see. Well, I missed that one by posting all I intend to do this Lent. So I have deleted my intentions and listed options I've heard from others. :-) **


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Very good, thought provoking post. I plan to give up sitting in my chair and watching you-tube videos for hours on end.

Homemaker's Heart said...

You made me smile! I think that's admirable. We have to find ways to keep technology in it's place, else it can rule us rather than us it.

Hugs to you FlowerLady Lorraine!

Mrs. Peterson