This is my favorite type of tea: frozen or fresh blueberries, hot water, and whipped cinnamon honey. So comforting!
Hello there to you!
Today is my birthday and I am so excited:
I have been through many things through my 50 something years and am excited to see what God has for me in the remaining years.
My word this year is Create. To create joy, create relationships, create fun with my husband, create order and beauty in my home.
I have healed from Lyme, am journeying through menopause (albeit a rough one!), and can now say I have survived COVID. I have learned a great deal of Hope and Trust in God. For it is by His hand that I am where I am today.
This season in my life has been much about reaching into that place in me that I so loved as a child, before the world said "you must do x", "your suppose to x". What about the space of wonder, the place that gets terrible excited to get a bicycle bell for her new bike! (Yes, that was me last Christmas). My husband as seen this part of me through the years, but now it's time to be genuine of those things I love.
Like making baskets and weaving in recycled material, and doing away with plastic bags as much as possible. I've written about that before, so I won't go say too much here.
That I love to sit outside in the morning hours and watch the sun come up and thank the Lord for all the wonders of the earth and how they awaken more and more as the sun comes closer to full rise.
I love homemaking, but am learning it can't be my all. God created me to also create. The greatest flattery is imitation, I plan to use my word of the year to create more, and see what God has for me in learning more about "Create." To be more intentional about using recycled materials.
Seeing first hand how much I declutter, and take car loads down - but you can't tell, has opened my eyes to all the clutter I manage. I have learned the term "inventory to manage" from Minimal Mom on you tube. She has inspired me to relook at all the things sitting around that is actually using my mental energy. Trying to find time to clean out, put away, oil, tend to, dust, find a home for. All these things are "inventory to manage". I have other things I want to do in my life, so I am managing much inventory right out the door.
Since my oldest daughter and her family now live 4 hours from us, and my youngest daughter and her family (40 min from us) are very tied up with schooling from home and full time work, I am growing through a new season as a step-mom. I raised them, but now see I can't put my life all around them. God made me for many things, this was one of them.
Fun is a word that I want to incorporate after almost a year of being home. Speaking of!!!
Starting today! My husband joined me on a little walk on our snow packed gravel road. Coming back I noticed the road was very slippery so we did something WAY fun! I held his hands while being behind him and he ran just a bit so I could "ski". His shoes gripped better than my snow boots, so I was able to slide. Oh how fun! We did something like that YEARS ago when he was training in the Marine Corps. I put on my skates, and he put a jump rope around his waist and ran with me behind him. Oh you can only imagine!
Most of all my heart longs to reach out to every person who is home, lonely and forgotten. The ones that have no family. The ones who do have family but they are not involved for whatever reason. I would love to hug you and give you a lovely cup of tea to say "you ARE loved...by me and Someone greater than me."
Have a blessed day! If you have tea today pray for me, and I will pray for you.