Saturday, September 26, 2015

Couples Gathering

Beautiful tulips from a friends garden.

Last night we had a lovely gathering of couples from church.  In todays world my husband and I find it so necessary to be around others who are like minded and seeking the Lord in their life.  One Sunday drive in the country we both shared the desire to start a monthly couples dinner group.  Not for gossip or what ever, but to uplift and support each other. To be able to talk about Jesus and not feel ridiculed.

We had a wonderful evening.  I wish I would have taken pictures, but your imagination will have to do.  We had a tasty grilled chicken made with a homemade rub seasoning mix that I make, a mango slaw that one woman brought, roasted sweet potatoes and broccoli (very delicious roasted), and gluten free brownies since 2 of us are gluten free.  We laughed and shared and the women gathered in the kitchen to share.  Giving tips on kitchen gadgets and past kitchens we have lived in.  My last kitchen in Ohio had 2 cupboards and 1 drawer, so my gadgets were at a bare minimum.

It is so important to gather and support each other in our faith walk.  My husband and I have found this is a wonderful way to start.