My little inspiration corner. I don't keep the candle lit while I weave. My nickname is Lucy (like I love Lucy) and I know better than to tempt. My little bird here is cousin to the other 3 in my kitchen. |
Hello Ladies~
This week I want to share where I create. There are many years I didn't have a craft room. It was a corner of the dining room, or the dining table itself. One tour overseas, it was the corner of the living room.
Today, older & wiser (at least from experience), I have learned it's necessary for me to have my own space. With children grown and gone and my husband's office is our 3rd bedroom, it's very easy for me to stay too busy with homemaking and trying to keep things appealing and cozy. That is creative too, but I like something in addition to that.
Prayer time this morning and journaling, the memories of how easy it is for me to allow all the "little" things of home fill my days.
I need creative time. My temperament needs it, and my spirit.
There have been many books of old that speak of the necessity of having daily "recreation" or creative time. A break in the day, even for 15 minutes, to sit and write a lovely letter, crochet a bit on a project, putter in the garden and tidy, or create a basket.
For me, basket weaving is one of the many things I enjoy but can be a couple of days project. One basket can take a minimum of 4 hours from start to finish. More detailed handles (my special touch) can add 2 to 3 hours on top of that.
I enjoy it. Please join me in my "studio" and bring a bit of tea, I love to visit while I weave...
Here is my table where most of my work is done. Whether weaving, sewing, clay bears angels, or learning silk ribbon embroidery (thank you FlowerLady!). I am creating a pattern here. I made that small basket in the picture years ago and it holds my clips, ribbons, and pony tails. I didn't have a pattern anywhere so I am measuring the reed sizes and writing it down. |
The base is being laid. Water in the bucket on the floor has the reed for weaving the sides. The coil on the floor behind me is how it comes when I order it. I keep them put away in bags or I look like a cat all tangled up in yarn, except the yarn is the reed all wound up around me! Trust me, I won't have a picture of that one. |
Done! A cute little catch all. I will stain it with Min-wax wood stain, I like Oak. It gives baskets an "old time" feeling. I have hopes to make a few along with some other things I love (soap apron covers, flower pins for winter coats, handmade dishcloths etc) and sell them at the winter craft show....but I keep giving the baskets away as gifts! My cousin just got one with a handle that was really cool! Her birthday is coming and I wanted her to have something fun that I made.
Well, I hope you enjoyed the little tour of weaving. It was fun to have you.
A few years ago we had folks from church here for dinner. The ladies wanted to see my "studio" and it inspired 2 of them. One friend, she had never seen or heard of the idea of crafting. Within the month she bought yarn and a crochet needle and made a long scarf for her son. Her first project! I was so proud of her.
Last weekend she dropped off a mask for me. Pink with white polk dots and she crocheted the loops out of a lovely soft white yarn. I was so impressed! From a lady who had never heard of crafting!
Have a lovely week, stay cool! An old time homemaking tip to keep cool: ladies would take down their curtains and dip them in a bathtub of water, re-hang them and the air passing through cools the room. I have used a squirt bottle and sprayed them.
It also works on sheets. Spritz your sheets before bed, the cool air will allow you to sleep for a bit until the air cools down.
May God's peace be with you,
Mrs. Peterson
Dear Mrs. Peterson ~ Thank you for sharing your nice, orderly studio and you at work making a lovely basket. I'm afraid my creative spaces are NOT neat, like yours. Happy creating and living your peaceful life. ~ FlowerLady
Thank you Lisa for your kind encouragement. I am enjoying dusting off the blog and writing/posting again. There are so many things I do in old fashioned ways in my day, that I just don't think about it and never figured ladies would be interested. But through conversations and blog friends I am learning what I do is interesting. It's just normal for me. Hugs to you and wishing you God's peace,Mrs Peterson.
Dear FlowerLady~ Thank you for your lovely words. I have seen amazing pictures of your creative area. It inspires me to create! (I tried my hand at silk ribbon flowers because of your creative space & pictures). My table is usually clear because I use all the space when I lay out a basket. I have knocked over glasses of water, almost caught reed I was working on, on fire because I had a lovely candle lit, and even my green bag gets to the floor most times. If I am sewing, or doing smaller work it gets filled up with all sorts of fun things. Isn't it fun to be creative! We get to make a mess or clean it up. It's the creative part that God blesses!
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