Wednesday, January 04, 2017

New Year

I am so excited for this new year.  Many people talk about resolutions, but I have learned that resolutions for me equals failure.  I like the term I have heard about goals.  Having goals and working towards them.

Last year I met most of my goals, except camping.  We only camped once...the week before Memorial Day and it was 30 degrees.  That sort of put a damper on my camper spirit.  The other goal was to find the root cause of why I have felt so bad for years.  I did.  It was two layers.  The first being, I had Lyme. Note the word HAD.  Please praise God for His goodness.  The second layer is that I have a hormone imbalance that I have had most of my life, and these last few years I have experienced worse symptoms, but never knew because of the Lyme.

God is so good!  Now that the Lyme is gone, I have found a practitioner to help me with the imbalance of hormones, and she understands hyper-sensitive people.  Yeah!

This year, I am looking forward to balancing those hormones, decluttering our "stuff" to the things that bring joy or are useful.  My mottos is "Beauty and Useful".   Another goal is to read more inspirational books and less health related.  I find the power of inspiration to be....inspiring. 😊  I love how we can change our world by changing our perspective.

I hope to turn this journey into a blogging adventure.  I don't get on here much anymore, but have enjoyed looking back at years past.  A sort of online journal.  Not someone else's thoughts, or trying to please the reader, but honesty and simple.

I pray this new year will bring many blessings to you.

1 comment:

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

May your health continue to improve in 2017. It is good to hear that you 'had' Lyme disease.

Love, hugs & prayers and may 2017 be a wonderful year for you and yours ~ FlowerLady