Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A daily Siesta

I take a rest, daily.  After lunch I rest for 20 to 30 min.  I do it so I can be refreshed for dinner and the evening.

At first I struggled.  My health required it and I still pushed through.  Then Lydia at HomeLiving did a wonderful post on how women always took a daily rest. It was a way to keep spirits up and not be a grumpy person in the evening.  To be refreshed when our husbands come home, or in my case, gets off work.

Now, no doubt, as I age, I need a rest. Even a short one. But when I read through a book called "Take a Nap and Change your life" I was convinced.  It also convinced my husband and when he gets off work, he likes to lay down for a 20 min refresher.

You would be amazed.  Try a little self care and give yourself a 20 min Siesta.

Do you know, we are the only country that does not take an afternoon rest.

When we lived in Okinawa, they took a 2 hour lunch...daily. One hour to eat, leisurely. One hour to rest.


So, all you women reading this. Try it and let me know how you do in the evening. If you notice a difference in your moods.

It fits with the natural rhythm of our day. God made the sun highest and hottest at noon.  Then as the day starts to close and we have the chance to reflect back on the day and praise Him for our abilities, we can pause and rest before our evening and the day closes out.

As a homemaker my day doesn't end. It starts at 5:30 am and goes until I am doing my "Sacred Hour" at 8pm.  So I relish a 30 min rest each day. Even without kids.

Have a Blessed day!


Dianna said...

I hope you don't mind me commenting on this older post. I just found your blog and am enjoying it very much. I have found that I also need a little nap during the day. I am still accepting that I need it—it makes me feel weak—but I feel so much better when I have a little one. Thank you for writing about i!

Homemaker's Heart said...

Hello Dianna~ Im so sorry it took awhile, I just discovered Blogger doesn't automatically send me the email saying there is a comment awaiting. They used to.

Yes, please comment. It's a joy to see someone who finds encouragement from a post. I understand about feeling weak. Accepting for me took years, and I still find stubbornness kicks in...then a rest :-)

God's blessings to you,

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I've taken afternoon naps for years, my late husband did too. I'm usually up between 4-5 most mornings. As we age, hopefully thankfully and gracefully, our bodies usually let us know we need to rest and be still. Taking breaks during our daily living is good for us. I don't fight naps, or want to feel guilty about taking them.

Be blessed and have a great week~ FlowerLady

P.S. About comment notifications, I just got to my dashboard, click on comments and there are published, and awaiting moderation, then spam. Click on awaiting moderation and you should find comments there. Hope that helps. I used to get email notifications, then found out about this way to be informed of comments.

Homemaker's Heart said...

Thank you so much FlowerLady Lorraine! I am grateful for your sharing and for helping me with the comments moderation. Hugs to you!

~Mrs. Peterson