Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Holy Week

Hello Ladies~
During this Holy Week of Easter, I feel called to give my full attention to God. So, my blog is on the bottom of my to do list for a few more days.

I would like to ask each of you to pray for those who are priest's, minister's or preacher's, as well as those who are trying to grow closer to the Lord. I am reminded that during this time of year, the emeny likes to reek havoc (?) as much as possible in people who are trying to live their life for God.

I wish you God's peace and Easter Blessings.


HomemakerAng said...

Happy Easter! He is RISEN!

Reflection Through The Seasons said...

Easter Blessings - Marion

Anonymous said...

Girl! I dig the blog! Think how much attention you would get with your wino brother-in-law's photo on here! Hope youe Easter is incredible.