Howdy! Today is a nice day here. The sun is out and the snow is bright. It's only 28 degrees outside, but Koda and I went for a walk anyways. I believe it's good to get out in the fresh air. It does something for the mind and heart.
I've had time today to mess with my blog and get it updated. I'm going to try to go back in all my posts and get labels on them. Can't promise anything, but it's something I've always wanted to do. So it's under a bit of construction. Most of the changes are done. I hope you like them.
Danielle and her bo, Justin, drove in this morning from North Carolina. They drove all night...and now are sleeping. That makes me tired just thinking of it. Deliriously tired. Though I remember when C and I used to do that from 29 Palms to NM just for a 4 day weekend. Going home was that important, especially when you are active duty. All went well, they did see 1 drunk driver. The guy was driving down the middle of the highway and took out the left rear hub cap of a FED Ex truck! Thank God they drove really fast past him before he could swerve over to there lane.
Today I am focusing on, um, well..today. :-) Today is Wednesday and all my chores are done. The pie is baked, the cookies are done, the house is clean, the family is here (though sleeping) and I have nothing to do...scary! Feels kind of neet!
I do hope to hem the curtains in my dining room and living room that I bought some time ago and just haven't taken the time to shorten them. Maybe after lunch. I like days that I can meander through the day, with no rushing and no real agenda. It's peaceful, albeit difficult to just sit still, but still peaceful. Maybe I need this. It's Christmas, a great reason to sit back, relax and "take some tea".
Absolutely! It has been very relaxing here also. The shopping is done, the house is decorated, and the children are here from Montana. It is well.
Happy New Year Dee.... May it be enriched with many blessing for you and your family. Marion
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