Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Flag Day

Last Sunday was Flag Day.  As I brought out our rough old flag and set it up, a feeling of being proud came about.  One that brings memories and feelings of people pulling together in rough times.  People really do care, deep down. But how do we show it in our day to day life?

Christ asks us to be charitable, not just in crisis, but daily...when there is a need.  I find my heart moved by the charity and sacrifice of folks as I stood back and looked at the flag.

Traditions are important.  They give us something to ground in, to look forward to, and to talk about and pass down.  I find much enjoyment in pulling out our flag even if only a few folks see it it due to where we live.  It's something that is important to me.  And, I wanted to share that with you.

As I set up the flag, I had to improvise but always making sure it doesn't touch the ground.  Tradition for "flag care".  It's the little things that make the difference.

Peace be with you,

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