Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thursday's Thought

~Thursday's Thought For The Day~
"We are only caretakers of the earth."
~tea bag tag...
After reading this and mulling it over for a while, I found this to be true in a few instances. God gave us the earth and ll we need to sustain our lively hood. We are only caretakers of the earth. We don't own it and can't take it with us, but we can care for it while we are here. In turn we get the abundance of food and some of the most beautiful flowers. I've heard flowers are the earth laughing (there's another Thursday's thought.)
Another aspect I saw in this quote was: we can care for our kids and eventually we have to let them go and grow up. They then tend to themselves and their kids. When we don't have kids at home anymore, or they are grown, we can be caretakers of the earth. The earth has always been here, and our time and effort put into tending to it (be it gardening for food, going "green", or planting more trees and flowers) will sustain it for generations. We truly are only caretakers of the earth. That is the only thing that will always be there that will need us for as long as God allows us to be here.
~Mrs. P.

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